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Tour Mont-Blanc

Tour du Mont-Blanc

Reviewed by: Sierra

10/10 …If I could, I would do ALL of the Run the Alps tours. Running through the fairytale mountain scenery, meeting other runners, sampling delicious pastries and meals, having the experience of a wonderful guide (although a self guided tour would also be phenomenal) … you really can’t go wrong 🙂


I chose this trip because of the ability to run in three different countries, and so I could better envision what the ultra runners are experiencing during the famous ultra UTMB race :-)


Just do it! It wasn’t financially responsible for me to pull the trigger on a trip like this, lol, but it was SO worth it, and I can’t wait to go back. I would do this trip again and again!


This was my first international trip, so that is way too hard a question because everything was new and wonderful, all of the running was spectacular, but my favorite town to wander was Chamonix.