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About the race

Sierre-Zinal is, without a doubt, one of the most famous trail races in the world- and for good reason: The course includes some of the best scenery anywhere, passing through small Alpine villages, mountain pastures, and with striking views along much of the course. Sierre-Zinal is also one of the longest-running trail races in Europe, having started fifty years ago. Called the “Race of the Five 4,000 meter peaks,” runners can catch sight of five of the most famous peaks of the alps: the Weisshorn, Obergablehorn, Dent Blanche, Zinalrothhorn, and the Matterhorn. The route begins in the Rhône valley, climbs steeply to gain a ridge, then stays above treeline, until plummeting over 500 meters to the mountain village of Zinal, at the end of the valley, near the mountainous border with Italy. Considered the “New York Marathon of the Alps” the race routinely draws the best trail runners in the world. 

Sierre-Zinal is part of the Golden Trail Series of races, and also features a race for young runners, with the same start, but finishing at Chandolin, about a third of the way into the race– but with plenty of climbing!

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