Ultra Spirit

09/19/2025 - 09/21/2025
Race website: https://www.ultra-spirit-dhaene-family.com/en/
“This is an adventure,” is how the Ultra Spirit web site puts it. Ultra Spirit is not so much a race, but more of an ultra experience. There are no timing chips, no mobile phones allowed, and no shortage of team spirit.
How does it work? Simple! Over the course of three days, teams of three runners will cover 100 km with 7,000m of vertical in France’s beautiful Beaufortain region, which is the training ground for one of Salomon’s top runners, Francois D’Haene. The focus is on discovery rather than distances, adventure rather than race times and companionship rather than competition. At the end of each day of running, teams gather together to camp in the mountains, together with race organizers, volunteers and friends of the race.