Run the Alps Announces Good Karma Trail Runner Award

PHOTO: Julen Elorza
Nominate Someone Deserving for a Free Run the Alps Trip
You read that right.
Run the Alps is launching a special opportunity for this summer.
We’re giving away one trip—including round-trip airfare—to one deserving person who has worked hard to benefit the wider trail running community.
Why are we doing this? We think a little more gratitude is a good thing for the world, right now.
The winner can choose any 2022 Run the Alps guided trail running trip that has availability for a guest, including a chance to run with Western States 100 and UTMB winner Courtney Dauwalter.
We bet you have questions. We’ve got answers!
What are the criteria?
Simple: We’re looking for someone, anywhere in the world, who has made a meaningful contribution to our trail running community.
Why are you doing this?
We love trail running. Trail running has given each of us on the Run the Alps staff so much. We’re able to give back and are delighted to be able to offer the Good Karma Award. This is going to be fun!
How do I nominate someone?
In 150 words or less, share why your nominee deserves to win. Tell their story on Instagram or Facebook. Tag Run the Alps and use the hashtag #runthealpskarma. We’ll find it.
What’s the deadline?
Midnight, USA east coast time, Saturday, April 30, 2022.

How are we going to pick a winner?
We’ve assembled a team of judges, made up of some of the most respected trail runners we know, who will review the nominees and select a winner. The team includes:
- Buzz Burrell, FKT co-founder, podcast host, past Ultimate Direction Managing VP
- Jenn Hughes, Editor-in-Chief, Ultrasignup
- Zoe Rom, Editor-in-Chief, Trail Runner Magazine
- Hillary Gerardi, Black Diamond sponsored trail runner
Just what exactly does the winner get?
He or she will win one Run the Alps guided trip, plus up to $1,000 towards the airfare cost for the trip. The prize can also be transferred forward one year, to the 2023 Run the Alps trail running season.
When are you going to announce the winner?
We’ll announce the winner during the first week of May, via the Run the Alps web site.
Are there runners-up?
There are! The team of judges will also select three runners-up, each of whom will receive a Run the Alps gift pack of Run the Alps gear and other goodies from Chamonix, France.
Who can I contact if I have questions?
You can email us any time at goodkarma@runthealps.com.
What if I’m not on social media?
No problem. You can submit your entry to goodkarma@runthealps.com.
Is there fine print?
Of course. Here it is:
Run the Alps is not liable for any taxes that might be incurred on the part of the winner. Friends and family members of Run the Alps cannot win the Good Karma Trail Runner Award. The decision of the panel is final.
The prize may not be substituted or transferred. It can be used on any guided Run the Alps trip in 2022 or 2023 on a space-available basis.
The winner may upgrade to a single room by paying the listed single supplement fee.
The winner will be bound by Run the Alps’ standard terms and conditions, including what happens if you are injured during a Run the Alps trip.
For travel to the trip, Run the Alps will reimburse the winner within 60 days, up to $1,000 towards airfare cost upon receipt of proof of a purchased ticket. Receipt must show ticket cost. We recommend the winner add travel insurance at their cost, in the event they cannot make the trip for any reason. (More information available here.) Run the Alps is not responsible if the winner agrees to accept the trip, then cannot travel, for any reason.
Winner agrees to allow use of photos of himself or herself on the Run the Alps trip, plus publication of his or her name and hometown, online and in print by Run the Alps.
Winner agrees to a short interview by Run the Alps for use by Run the Alps to promote the trip and the work of the winner on behalf of the trail running community.
Nominator agrees to be quoted and to provide additional information about the nominee if needed.