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Terms and conditions

Trip Details

Our Terms and Conditions and Trip Insurance Options

Want to check terms and conditions for Run the Alps trips? Wondering about our insurance options? We’ve gathered all our trip details here on this one page. 

As always, contact us if you have any questions!


  1. Run the Alps Trip Terms and Conditions
    • Payment due date
    • Cancellation policy
    • Economic Disruption
    • Unused portion of trip
    • Changes by you
    • Cancellations or Changes by Us and Flexibility
    • Photography
    • Self-Guided Tours
    • Trip Cancellation and Travel Insurance 
    • Medical considerations
    • Your obligations as a trip member
    • Our legal limitations
    • Releases and related provisions
  2. Travel Insurance
    • IMG Partnership

1. Terms and Conditions

Please read carefully. This is a legally binding contract.

Payment Due Date
Payments are due 90 days before your trip. In the case of tours booked within 90 days of your trip, the full tour cost is due at booking. Not paying on time will be considered grounds for cancellation, in which case our cancellation fees will apply.

Cancellation policy
Cancellations must be received in writing by mail or email and are subject to the following fees per guest:

  • More than 90 days before departure: $ 300
  • 61-90 days before departure: $ 500
  • 31-60 days before departure: 50% of tour cost
  • 0-30 days before departure: 100% of tour cost

Economic Disruption

Run the Alps reserves the right as allowed by law to adjust tour pricing, in the event of a significant economic disruption.

Unused Portion of Trip
No refunds will be provided for any unused portion of a trip once the trip begins, including but not limited to if you leave a trip for any reason, miss the trip’s departure date or an activity, or have to be removed from a trip. There are no exceptions to this cancellation and refund policy, including for reasons related to weather, civil strife, personal, family or medical emergencies or any other circumstances beyond our control. For this reason, we require that you purchase travel insurance.

Changes by You
If you need to make changes after your tour has been confirmed, for example, adding or subtracting nights, changing dates, hotels or meal plans, we will be happy to help when we can. 

Keep in mind changes are not always possible, especially when one change affects subsequent nights. Additionally, our outside suppliers, including hotels, often impose additional fees or penalties for changes and cancellations. As a result, it is in our sole discretion whether to accept a change request. If we accept your request, you will be asked to pay an administrative fee of $300/person in addition to any new costs incurred, which can be substantial. Change requests should be made in writing, by email.

Cancellations or Changes by Us and Flexibility
We reserve the right to cancel, alter or modify any trip without prior notice for any reason, including but not limited to for the safety, comfort and / or well-being of trip participants and for circumstances of Force Major, ie circumstances beyond our control which prevent us from providing the trip as planned. This includes the right to replace or substitute guides and accommodations in the trip materials, modify the order in which places are visited, and make other changes in the itinerary. 

If we are forced to significantly alter or cancel your trip due to Force Majeure, which is rare, we will let you know as soon as possible. In these circumstances, you can choose one of the following options: 

  1. Accept our offer of a comparable replacement trip, offered at our sole discretion and subject to availability, or
  2. Receive a refund of all monies paid less any non-refundable deposits paid to third party suppliers.

When accepting an offer for a replacement trip:

  1. If the cost is lower than the price of your original trip, you will receive a refund for the difference in cost, or
  2. If the cost of the replacement trip is higher than your original trip, you owe nothing. We will work with our suppliers to try and obtain any non-refundable deposits so that we can give you a full refund. We cannot guarantee such a result, though.

Run the Alps LLC, its trip leaders, and Run the Alps LLC-authorized third parties reserve the right to take photographs or videos during the operation of any tour or part thereof and to use the resulting photography, videos, or recordings for promotional or commercial use. 

By making a reservation on a Run the Alps LLC trip, you agree to allow your likeness to be used by Run the Alps LLC, its trip leaders and Run the Alps LLC-authorized third parties, without compensation to the participant. 

If you prefer that your likeness not be used, you must notify Run the Alps LLC in writing prior to departure of the tour.

Self-Guided Tours
Any custom or self-guided itinerary is subject to changes based on hotel availability. If you need to make any changes to your trip, we will of course do our best to accommodate your change request; however, this may not always be possible.

Any changes made by the client after the deposit is made are subject to a $200/person service fee. If the change incurs any expenses, these will be chargeable on top of the service fee. Taking part in a Run the Alps LLC self-guided trip is done entirely at your own risk. Run the Alps LLC cannot be held responsible for inclement weather, trail closures, any injuries, loss or damages during your trip. 

Trip Cancellation and Travel Insurance Run the Alps requires trip insurance. Guests will have the option to waive trip insurance by certifying that, 1. They have read and understand Run the Alps’ terms and conditions and, 2. They understand that exceptions are never granted to our terms and conditions. Trip cancellation insurance may be the only means of receiving reimbursement for flights and other non-refundable expenses should one of our tours be canceled for any reason.

Each year, we have some guests who have to cancel for any one of a number of life reasons— injury, work schedule changes, or other personal life events. Travel insurance may help you in the event you have to cancel or postpone your trip for reasons outside of your control. 

Please see section 3 for further information.

Medical Considerations
If you have any medical or psychological conditions, it’s important you let us know well before departure so that we can make extra arrangements if necessary. You can do this when signing up for your trip, using the comment box provided. 

Run the Alps LLC and its employees, agents, guides, affiliates, and associates (hereinafter its “Associates”) have the right to disqualify anyone at any time both before and during the trip if they feel the trip member is mentally or physically incapable to continue and / or if a trip member’s continued participation jeopardizes the group’s or his / her own safety. Run the Alps LLC reserves the right to provide alternative activities and onward transportation in situations where the guide determines that the participant is mentally or physically incapable of completing any day’s activities in a reasonable amount of time or if participation puts the participant at increased risk of injury . 

Run the Alps LLC is not a medical facility and therefore has no responsibility regarding medical advice, medications or inoculations that you or your doctor deem necessary for your safe participation. Hospital facilities for serious problems are often unavailable, and evacuation can be prolonged, difficult and expensive. 

Run the Alps LLC assumes no liability regarding provision of medical care. By registering for your trip and accepting these Terms and Conditions, you agree to pay for emergency evacuation and emergency medical care.

For information on travel insurance please refer to section 3.

Your obligations as a trip member
By participating in a Run the Alps LLC trip, you assume certain obligations to Run the Alps LLC and the other trip members. It is your responsibility to:

  • Understand the conditions implied in the Run the Alps Trip Rating System score of your selected trip.
  • Select a trip that is appropriate to your interests and abilities.
  • Prepare for the trip by familiarizing yourself with the trip itinerary and trip preparation materials sent by Run the Alps LLC.
  • Bring appropriate gear and clothing as advised by Run the Alps LLC.
  • Follow considerate standards of personal hygiene in order to reduce risk of contracting diseases.
  • Follow considerate social behavior with other trip participants and respect their habits.
  • Respect the areas in which we travel by using environmentally safe products, staying on established routes of travel and not littering.
  • Abide by instruction / rules / outdoor ethics written or communicated by Run the Alps LLC or its Associates.
  • Travel at a pace consistent with the safety of the group, as managed by the guide. If the guide decides that you are not traveling at a pace necessary to maintain group safety, or if you prefer to take a route different from the rest of the group, you become responsible for your own safety, as well as for any cost incurred, such as transportation.

Run the Alps LLC reserves the right to decline to accept or retain any person as a tour participant should such person’s behavior, health, or mental condition impede the operation of the trip.

Our Legal Limitations
Run the Alps LLC may contract with independent contractors to provide transportation, guide services and / or all other related travel services. We assume no responsibility for injury, loss or damage, however caused, to person or property in connection with any service provided by an independent contractor or resulting directly from the following: Acts of God, detention, annoyance, terrorism, thefts, pilferage, Force Majeure, civil disturbances, government restrictions or regulations, strikes, delays and expenses arising from quarantine, failure of any means of conveyance to arrive or depart as scheduled, discrepancies or change in transit or hotel services over which we have no control. 

We reserve the right to make reasonable changes in the itinerary where deemed advisable for the comfort and well-being of trip members. By accepting these terms and conditions and registering for this Run the Alps LLC trip, the participant agrees to be bound by the above terms and conditions.

Releases and related provisions
By participating in a Run the Alps LLC trip, you agree to all of the following:

I / we hereby release and discharge Run the Alps LLC, its owners and Associates, and their successors and assigns (hereinafter the “Released Parties”), from any and all liabilities, suits, claims, and demands, actions or damages (including attorneys’ fees and disbursements) incurred by me arising out of the participation in activities under the direction of Run the Alps LLC including without limitation, all claims for property damage, personal injuries, or wrongful death. This release is binding on my heirs, assigns, and agents.

This release includes, but is not limited to, claims for the negligence of the Released Parties and claims for strict liability for abnormally dangerous activities. This release does not extend to claims for gross negligence, intentional or reckless misconduct, or any other liabilities that applicable law does not permit to be released by agreement. I / we also agree NOT TO SUE or make a claim against the Released Parties for death, injuries, loss, or harm that occur on the trip.

Medical Release
In the event of an emergency, I / we give permission for any medical treatment provided by Run the Alps LLC and its Associates, which might become necessary. I / we hereby authorize the leader of the activity to secure such medical advice and services as may be necessary for my health and safety, and I / we consent to release all medical information the leader determines necessary to any medical provider. I / we also agree to accept financial responsibility for medical treatment. I / we acknowledge that hospital facilities, qualified medical care, and emergency medical evacuation may be limited or unavailable during portions of the trip and, where available, may be expensive. 

I / we understand that Run the Alps LLC assumes no responsibility for providing medical care during the trip, and I / we will have to pay for any medical care and / or evacuation that I / we incur. In consideration of the permission to participate in the trip, I / we agree to the terms contained in this document.

Awareness of Risk
I / we understand the nature of trail running in the Alps and I / we have chosen to engage in and I find no reason why I am / we are physically or mentally unable to perform the required actions in order to safely accomplish a Run the Alps LLC trail running trip. I am / we are fully aware and understand that the activities in which I am / we are participating under the arrangement of Run the Alps LLC and its Associates are potentially dangerous and that there are risks inherent in all outdoor activities. These risks include but are not limited to, inclement weather, hazards in trail running, hiking on mountain trails, general outdoor activity, and travel by train, bus, funicular, and aerial tram. Risks associated with such activities include but are not limited to serious bodily injuries, such as permanent disability, paralysis, and death. 

There are many risks that may arise from foreseeable or unforeseeable causes (eg falling rocks from above and hitting participants). I / we understand that these risks may be brought about by my own actions or inactions as well as other participants ‘and Run the Alps LLC Associates’ actions or inactions. 

Any decisions made by Associates of Run the Alps LLC are part of the risks of the activities listed above. I / we also understand that there may be other risks and economic or social losses unforeseen at this time. I / we fully accept all such risks and responsibilities, costs, damages, and losses that may come to me as a result of participating in these activities.

I / we hereby agree to indemnify and hold Run the Alps LLC and its Associates harmless for any litigation expenses, attorneys’ fees, loss, liability, damage or cost which any may incur as a result of any claim arising out of my participation in a Run the Alps LLC trip, to the fullest extent permitted by the law. 

This is a legal binding contract. This contract is governed by the laws of the State of New Hampshire in the United States.

I / we have read and fully understand this agreement and am fully aware of its content and context. I / we understand that this is a legal contract and that this is a release of liability. In submitting this tour reservation and payment of deposit of my own free will, I / we agree to the terms and conditions set forth above. 

If the tour participant is under age 18, tour reservation and payment by a parent or guardian is required, and the parent or guardian’s reservation and payment constitutes their consent to the terms above.

2. Travel Insurance

Run the Alps has partnered with IMG, one of the largest providers of travel insurance globally. IMG has over 300 employees in offices around the world, and each year provides insurance to millions of customers. They are available 24/7 and offer services in 190 countries. In short, we’re confident they will be there if you need them. 

IMG’s services also come with additional non-insurance offerings such as lost luggage and lost passport assistance, emergency cash transfers, and more.

IMG offers three levels of travel insurance, from basic to comprehensive. You can read about them here. All of them also include emergency medical evacuation and rescue coverage if you are sick or injured during your Run the Alps trip.

For information, please visit the Run the Alps insurance page on the IMG web site.


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